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Vin Diesel, Actor: Guardians of the Galaxy. Vin Diesel was born Mark Sinclair in Alameda County, California, along with his fraternal twin man, Paul Vincent. He was raised by his astrologer/psychologist mother, …

From Revolution Studios and Sony Pictures, Xander Cage (Vin Diesel) is a notorious underground thrill-seeker who, until now, has been deemed untouchable by the law.

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Mark Sinclair (born July 18, 1967), better known by his stage name Vin Diesel, is an American actor, producer, director and screenwriter.He is well known for his portrayals of Dominic Toretto in The Fast and the Furious film series, Richard B. Riddick in The Chronicles of Riddick series and Xander Cage in the xXx series.

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Directed by Rob Cohen. With Vin Diesel, Asia Argento, Marton Csokas, Samuel L. Jackson. An extreme sports athlete, Xander Cage, is recruited by the government on a …

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Xander “XXX” Cage is a notorious underground thrill seeker who, until now, has been deemed untouchable by the law. NSA Agent Gibbons forces XXX to cooperate with the

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