Wenger The Voyeur

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Jose Mourinho has said he hopes Arsene Wenger does not retire from football after paying tribute to his former sparring partner. The Manchester United manager said: “If he’s happy I’m happy, if he’s sad, I’m sad. “I always wish the best for my opponents, I always wish the best, so for me that’s

Arsene Wenger is leaving Arsenal at the end of the season and Man Utd manager Jose Mourinho has paid a paean to the Frenchman.

Arsene Wenger’s reign at Arsenal will come to a close this summer, ending a spell of nearly 22 years as the club’s manager.

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Arsene Wenger, the man who changed English football, steadfastly refused to change. Phil McNulty examines where that leaves his legacy.

Jose Mourinho has claimed that he has no regrets over his long-running feud with Arsene Wenger, insisting that he has a great amount of respect for …

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As Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger hands in his resignation, we look at some of his best quotes of his 22-year tenure.

José Mourinho has admitted to regrets over ‘episodes and words’ involving him and Arsène Wenger

As well as many friends, Wenger has also been involved in some of the most high-profile managerial feuds in the Premier League era and here, Sportsmail looks at those battles.

— Arsène Wenger Enfant, après l’école, Wenger, étant un féru de football , passe ses journées à y jouer ou à regarder des matchs dans le bistro de ses parents, qui était le lieu de rendez-vous du FC Duttlenheim, entraîné alors par son père . Selon celui-ci, Arsène débute le football vers l’âge de 6 ans . Peu de temps après, il

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Jose Mourinho insists he always had respect for Arsene Wenger even during their heated run-ins.

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