Teens Job Market Recession

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Jun 21, 2016 · Things are finally looking up for older workers. The latest data show the unemployment rate for those over age 55 stands at just 3.6%, compared with 5% for the total population and a steep 16.4% for teens. The ranks of the long-term unemployed, which ballooned during the recession as mature workers

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adults hit hard by the recession. A plurality of the public believes adults, rather than middle-aged or older adults, are having the toughest time

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Aug 07, 2015 · The US has 5.3 million job openings. That sounds good, but part of the problem is companies can’t find enough skilled workers to fill these jobs.

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More than half of the nation’s unemployed in April are ages 16 to 34 – even though that group makes up just over a third of the civilian labor force.

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Only 25 percent of American teens have summer jobs, the lowest percentage on record. Why? Are they lazy?

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Economic data on job creation, unemployment benefits, and employment analysis on CNBC.com.

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Feb 01, 2018 · Average hourly earnings were 2.9 percent higher in January than a year earlier, a hopeful sign that wages might be gaining traction in a tight labor market.

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Companies That Hire High college Students. Many teens get their first job while in high college. Find out where to look. Read More

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