Teen Tunes

Looney Tunes is an American animated series of comedy short films produced by Warner Bros. from 1930 to 1969 during the golden age of American animation, alongside its teen series Merrie Melodies.

Eh, what’s up, doc? Welcome to the Looney Tunes Project, a.k.a The Looney Tunes Wiki, a project based community with passionate editors and a major source for all things “looney-tuney” since January 2006!

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Teen Tunes 79

Check out every song written by Harry Styles you probably didn’t know was written by Harry Styles.

Free Looney Tunes Games and TV Episodes from your one-stop Saturday morning cartoon destination!

Gather around the teen table this spring to get creative, share stories and use your imaginations.

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The fact that most of these reworked songs don’t live up to the benchmark set by the original is what should make it criminal – After Ek Do Teen remake, we are so done with Bollywood killing our favourite tunes!

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LOONEY TUNES LOONEY LAUNCHER. Test your aim with Looney Tunes: Looney Launcher!

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Access 75 commercial-free music channels, 25 music video channels and all of your favorite music videos at your fingertips. The Music World In The Palm Of Your Hand.

The fact that most of these reworked songs don’t live up to the benchmark set by the original is what should make it criminal – After Ek Do Teen remake, we are so done with Bollywood killing our favourite tunes!

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