Latex Comment Sty

Latex Comment Sty 105

is it somehow possible to check if I’m right now in screen session? I need it to determine if hitting ctrl+d would disconnect me from server or just close current screen.

Here’s my problem. I have a bunch of figures already written in a LaTeX document, and I’d like to reuse them for a poster. The code for the …

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Conditional compilation and “comments” While LaTeX (or any other TeX-derived package) isn’t really like a compiler, people regularly want …

If you followed my previous posts regarding automated Stata and LaTeX integration you might already have a good idea how estout works and how a table can be printed in LaTeX in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Choosing a BibTeX Style. How to Choose a Specific Style; The Seven Standard Styles; Styles Recommended by Reed; NatBib Standard Styles. …

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Sometimes the normal tables in LaTeX just don’t do it for you. You want to do something fancier or customize the table in a way that you just …

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Latex Comment Sty 103

Changing the font size in LaTeX can be done on two levels, either affecting the whole document or parts/elements of it. Using a different font size on a global level will affect all normal-sized text as well as the size of headings, footnotes, etc. By changing the font size locally, however, a

Latex Comment Sty 35

I am writing a thesis report using LaTeX and I need to add indentations because every new paragraph starts from the initial position on the left. How do I add indentations?

I found references to a calligra font that is an additional calligraphy font that can be used in equations. I could not get it working in my installation of MikTeX even after installing the calligra pacakge (MikTeX tells me it cannot find calligra.sty when I include the package).

I want to share a latex document via git with many other people. Therefore we decided to put all the special sty files, that are not present in everyones latex-installation, into a resources direc

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Categories: Ass Booty Latin