Gay Powerthirst

CollegeHumor is a website started in 1999 by Josh Abramson and Ricky Van Veen. It features videos, pictures, and articles meant to be humorous to college …

Hey don’t bust on Reach Halo 3 massacred an amazing saga and I’ve waited an insanely long time for the game that was going to both end and immortalize this future age legend.

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CollegeHumor is a website started in 1999 by Josh Abramson and Ricky Van Veen. It features videos, pictures, and articles meant to be humorous to college …

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“This Ugly Son of a Bitch” is a banner advertisement for online porn sites based on a photograph of a man wearing glasses with the caption reading “this ugly son of a bitch is fucking super hot chicks and basically, you are fucking stupid.”

One of the fundamental types of verbal gag in comedic television, especially the Sitcom. A Double Entendre is a word or phrase which was meant to be taken …

The following article was sponsored by John Doe Bodybuilding. After months of effort, Straight from the Underground – The Underground Steroid Guidebook, is finally complete and available.

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“This Ugly Son of a Bitch” is a banner advertisement for online porn sites based on a photograph of a man wearing glasses with the caption reading “this ugly son of a bitch is fucking super hot chicks and basically, you are fucking stupid.”

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Greg Rutter’s Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You’re a Loser or Old or Something

Greg Rutter’s Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You’re a Loser or Old or Something

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The following article was sponsored by John Doe Bodybuilding. After months of effort, Straight from the Underground – The Underground Steroid Guidebook, is finally complete and available.

Categories: Ass Booty Latin