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Steve Hooper Porn Star Biography Career Steve Hooper is a handsome Brit who joined the adult film world in 2000. Before his career in adult, he was a national swimming competitor and was on the English national swimming team.

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Steve Hooper Porn Star Biography Career Steve Hooper is a handsome Brit who joined the adult film world in 2000. Before his career in adult, he was a national swimming competitor and was on the English national swimming team.

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Steve Hooper Porn Star Biography Career Steve Hooper is a handsome Brit who joined the adult film world in 2000. Before his career in adult, he was a national swimming competitor and was on the English national swimming team.

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Find the best queer INSTRUCTIONAL XXX clips on GayTube, where you’ll learn how to give the best blowjobs and hit the p-spot during anal sex.

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