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Tri-City Herald, Kennewick, Washington. 65,677 likes · 8,804 talking about this. The Tri-City Herald is your source for news, sports and entertainment

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Mediagazer presents the day’s must-read media news on a single page.

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Facebook is an American online social media and social networking service company based in Menlo Park, California.Its website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg, along with fellow Harvard College students and roommates Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes.

Badoo is ‘not a dating site’ – but the social network ‘for meeting new people’ seems to work rather similarly to one although in a recent poll, 30 per cent of UK users admitted to meeting someone for sex via the site

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Jan 16, 2018 · Over a thousand Facebook users were surprised this weekend to find they’re facing charges of redistributing pornography! It all started when a video of two Danish teenagers having sex was shared on FB Messenger last year. Facebook found the videos and alerted Denmark’s National Cyber Crime

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Facebook has been linked to a resurgence of the sexually-transmitted disease syphilis. The virus has increased fourfold in Sunderland, Durham and Teesside, the areas of Britain where the website is most popular. Medics believe Facebook and other social networking sites make it easier for strangers

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Dawn French and Hugh Grant among co-stars to pay tribute to the “loving” Vicar of Dibley actress.

One of the world’s largest video sites, serving the best videos, funniest movies and clips.

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Press-Republican, Plattsburgh, NY. 17,284 likes · 375 talking about this. Welcome to the Press-Republican Facebook page.

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