Carol Ann Duffy Standing Female Nude

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Currently reigning as Britain’s first female Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy is also queen of the dramatic monologue. Duffy’s poetry gives voice to society’s alienated and ignored in an unstuffy but compelling manner, wrestling with ideas about language and identity.

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The first female, Scottish Poet Laureate in the role’s 400 year history, Carol Ann Duffy’s combination of tenderness and toughness, humour and lyricism, unconventional attitudes and conventional forms, has won her a very wide audience of readers and listeners.

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Carol Ann Duffy Standing Female Nude 96

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Carol Ann Duffy Standing Female Nude 84

The first female, Scottish Poet Laureate in the role’s 400 year history, Carol Ann Duffy’s combination of tenderness and toughness, humour and lyricism, unconventional attitudes and conventional forms, has won her a very wide audience of readers and listeners.

Compare how Carol Ann Duffy presents women in the poems Havisham and Salome Salome also shows hatred towards men ?was his head on a platter? this creates a violent image of a man who she has killed.

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Carol Ann Duffy Standing Female Nude 38

The best poems by Carol Ann Duffy Carol Ann Duffy (b. 1955) is the current UK Poet Laureate, but she has been a major voice in contemporary British poetry for over thirty years, since her first collection, Standing Female Nude, was published in 1985.

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